

“Yesterday’s Future is Today’s Now!

Are you looking to change your career? Would you like to train for today’s opportunities on the Internet and with computer technology? Simplestream will train you to take part in today’s rapidly growing trend – Cloud Computing. You will work independently on your laptop, PC, on the go using your mobile device or tablet computer. Our independent contractors appreciate the freedom and convenience of working while on the go, schedule their own hours and enjoy receiving participating in an exciting and rapidly growing marketplace.

The Simplestream candidate must be self motivated, some what tech savvy, an experienced communicator, and highly dedicated to achieving goals. Have a strong work ethic and can work on cross-functional teams.

If you meet these qualifications we need you. Email our company a cover letter with your resume or curriculum vitae (CV) for consideration. PLEASE DO NOT CALL FOR EMPLOYMENT! ALL REQUESTS ARE MANAGED BY EMAIL OR A SCHEDULED TELE-MEETING.

Open Positions

Department: MARKETING
Job Title: Independent Marketing Assistant I (Entry Level)
The company seeks entrepreneurial spirited professionals to lead growth in new and existing markets. We will train you entry level  to locate prospective customers and decisively communicate the company’s products and services to secure sales.

This positions requires the candidate be computer savvy, a good communicator, some knowledge of online shopping, social and business networks and customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Department: TECHNOLOGY
Job Title: Technical Support Representative I (Entry Level)


North America
Location: West Coast U.S.A. California, Washington
Location: South West U.S.A. Arizona, Nevada
Location: East Coast U.S.A. Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio

Location: South East Asia India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines

Middle East
Location: United Arab Emirates

Location: North Western France, Germany, Italy
Location: Central Ukraine, Czech Republic, Romania


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